I’m a portrait and actors headshot photographer, based in L.A.
This is a picture of me on a boat in San Francisco Bay, just after I’ve eaten a chocolate chip cookie the size of my face. As you can tell, I’m a fairly normal looking person with two eyes who gets a little shy in front of a camera but can’t help smiling when he’s eaten something sweet. Also, my wife is taking the picture, and she makes me smile all the time because she’s the best thing that ever happened to me.
Lastly, please note my left ear sticks out more than my right.
Now, you should know I’m greatly concerned about banana peels. Something must be done! They are everywhere, and people are slipping on them left, right and centre. Adding insult to injury, dogs, unleashed, think it’s playtime. They bounce about, wagging their tails, laugh with their big, teethy mouths and lick your face as you try to pick yourself up.